Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Ballatore Legacy Chapter 2: Love and Magic

At the Alfred Hitchcock creepy diner on the south side of town our legacy founder spends another night alone, rambling on and on about his lonely beauty. (I wouldn’t be surprised if a zombie eats him soon)

So after filling up on lettuce and strawberry milkshakes, he decided to hit up the Red Velvet Lounge...

Sebastian: Ohh velvet, I bet its really soft inside

>o<..... I think I should have picked brains for this legacy, but what do you do?

To his surprise and delight not only was there velvet and the place was decorated in red, but he saw for the first time. a normal looking human female, and with no time to lose he quickly decided to introduce himself and try to get this legacy rolling. (He's not getting any younger....)

Her name was Bianca Crumplebottom...despite the odd name they hit it off quite well, even though she looked quite perturbed and worried about the moon. 

Bianca: I’m Telling you there are aliens on the moon and they are watching us right now...

...they beam down werewolves and cause zombies to have vampire babies. 

Sebastian, while not the smartest tool in the shed, knew that zombies couldn’t have vampire babies, that’s what the aliens were for.

Erm... I guess Idiocy can be a bonding experience?

The next night after Bianca got done alien/ zombie proofing her house, (lord knows she can’t afford to have a bunch of vampire babies running around. After all she has read all of the twilight books so therefore she is an expert on vampires.

Sebastian: OMG! You read twilight!! You truly are a gifted woman, I couldn’t get past book two....

At least I agree with him on that point of view.

Their mutual superstition combined with their lack of common sense, gave Sebastian his first real shot at romance.

In the beautiful and almost haunting scenery their romance blossomed.

Sebastian: Your Zombie proofing gear is so sexy......

Those were the magic words, and for once i am relieved. Hey I’d rather have slow legacy babies than no legacy babies.
After diving into Twilight 5(Vampires and fairies..Volume 2) Sebastian decided to hunt down these elusive this would be the best way to impress Bianca Crumplebottom.

And so he arrived at the Arboretum and found just the perfect place to hunt for the elusive fairies  


And so in he went, and for twelve hours he searched and searched......

Despite not finding the fairies he found the fairy dust and he couldn’t wait to share this with Bianca.

Needless to say she was not impressed, and I noticed there was an utter lack of chemistry on this date, no romance and no conversations.

After napping off her boredom at Sebastian’s, she snapped.

Bianca: This toilet is evil. It broke and flooded on my feet and therefore it must be possessed. And if the toilet is possessed...GASP! You are an evil alien. Oh no i must destroy you before you turn me into a zombie and make me have vampire babies.

Sebastian: No I swear that toilet was evil before i ever saw it....wait your a..your...a..a...WITCH?

Bianca having revealed herself quickly apologized and left.

Thankfully Bianca decided to go home and not destroy my founder, so in his panic and confusion he decided to go to the comfort of the red velvet lounge, and there he spotted the most beautiful bartender.
Um..Sebastian that’s a vampire

Sebastian: So i read twilight and her eyes aren’t red so that means she’s a good vampire...

I don’t agree with this logic, but He could do worse..cough* Bianca *cough*  *cough*

After learning her name was Megan Rump (why do all of the women he meets have a last name associated with their behinds? Just saying) He proceeded to ask her a very important question.

Sebastian: So Megan Is it true you sparkle in the sunlight....I read it in Tw..

Megan: Twilight? I have heard that before, and no we burn in the sun okay?

Even though he was ignorant Megan thought, “Hey he’s really hot, so I can look past this, and he is really nice"

Thank you Megan, at least someone here seems to not want to kill my founder.

.......0 0   "
        O........Well The proof is in the V's

Feeling confused and conflicted about his new romance and his feelings for Bianca (even though she’s a bit off her rocker) Sebastian went to the only reliable and proven source of intelligent advice…

The Gypsy fortune teller.

Gypsy: Ah Sebastian i see that you have a special gir..uh..guy..erm vampire..wit.

 Sebastian : Gasp yes a vampire and a witch did u know

Yes reliable!

After the meeting with the mysterious meeting with the gypsy and the advise to not wash his clothes with dirt, Sebastian made a choice:

Oh thank you Gypsy i have seen my future, and that future is with Megan Rump!

When he invited Bianca over to let her down he was in for a shock...Bianca Was pregnant.

Being a family sim he moved her in immediately

Bianca: Don’t touch me You Alien. Because of you I’m going to have a vampire. Well I tell you, you can have it, no way it’s going to suck my blood.

Sebastian: But you’re not a zombie. And Zombies don't have blood.

I really think that I need to educate him on the nature of the supernatural.

The next morning something changed within Sebastian, he had an air of level headedness and purpose. He after all being family oriented began to talk about building a life together...

And that he was going to be more motivated than ever to create a beautiful home for his family.

Bianca on the other hand stared at him coldly.

Bianca’s coldness and estrangement led him back into the arms of Megan who some how seemed to understand him, and still even the fact that he was going to be a father didn’t put her off. In fact it made her realize what immortality had cost

After looking at himself for an hour Sebastian agonized about the future of his family and if he was doing the right thing for himself, Bianca, Megan, his unborn child, and his legacy.

I would not want to be in his shoes.

All Bianca cared about was playing the guitar and pretended that she wasn’t pregnant. After all she wasn’t going to hang around long enough to be sucked dry by a vampire baby whose father was an alien.

The emotional stress was beginning to get to her and she began fighting off imaginary vampire babies.

No you’ll never take me alive!!! Please, I like my blood......its red?

What will Sebastian do, will he try to hold on to Bianca? Will Megan Really love him and his child?
Will the toilet ever quit being evil?

Thank you for reading chapter two, I hope you are all excited to see what chapter 3 brings.